NHS data shows rise in alcohol-related deaths
NHS Digital data has shown that there has been a distinct rise in alcohol-related deaths over the past decade NHS Digital statistics, released earlier this keep reading
NHS Digital data has shown that there has been a distinct rise in alcohol-related deaths over the past decade NHS Digital statistics, released earlier this keep reading
A doctor spoke to Irish News about why he’s advising patients to go private if they can afford it A GP in Northern Ireland is keep reading
The RCGP has responded to the news that the BMA and NHS England have come to an agreement regarding the GP contract package Professor Helen keep reading
The NHS’s plan to take on 20,000 staff to support GPs has been described by Jayne Dowle as a ‘sticking plaster’ An opinion piece published keep reading
The British Medical Association (BMA) and NHS England have come together to create a five-year contract package The BMA’s GP committee has reached a contract keep reading
As reported by the BBC, NHS England is planning to take on thousands of GP alternatives in order to relieve the pressure on general practice keep reading
An Oswestry councillor has expressed his disappointment regarding the loss of an out-of-hours service An out-of-hours GP service is set to leave Oswestry, leading to keep reading
As of April, GPs won’t be able to charge for private services that patients should be able to receive for free As reported by The keep reading
A new campaign to ensure patients in Northern Ireland receive the primary care they need has been launched The Patient Group has launched a campaign keep reading
Six surgeries in Liverpool may close thanks to recruitment and financial problems Six GP surgeries in Liverpool may close this year, potentially leaving thousands of keep reading
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