Government to simplify ICP setup for more streamlined primary care
Changes to legislation should make it simpler to set up ICPs, which aim make primary care services much more efficient The government is aiming to keep reading
Changes to legislation should make it simpler to set up ICPs, which aim make primary care services much more efficient The government is aiming to keep reading
The latest NHS performance figures outline a startling image of a struggling health service The latest NHS performance figures shows “a health service that is keep reading
As reported by The Guardian, a refugee retraining programme in the Black Country is hoping to expand and help improve the current healthcare recruitment situation keep reading
As reported by Business Green, a new study shows that millions of patients in the UK are registered at GPs located in air pollution hotspots keep reading
The GP shortage is so severe in Tayside that a contingency plan has now been put in place to tackle it, according to The Courier keep reading
A new campaign has been launched which aims to encourage patients to visit pharmacists with minor ailments, freeing up valuable GP time NHS England is keep reading
As reported by OnMedica, the numbers of overseas GPs that have been taken on during the NHS’s recruitment drive remains low While NHS England has keep reading
A new campaign has been launched by the BMJ, bringing light to the issue of inadequate breaks for doctors The BMJ has launched its ‘give keep reading
A review into legal aid reforms is set to ensure GP surgeries receive legal advice, according to the BBC The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has keep reading
As reported by Jewish News, elderly Holocaust-survivors at a retirement community are fighting the proposed relocation of their local GP practice Residents at a Jewish keep reading
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