Our health website, Practice Business is a management agenda platform focusing on the business, management and delivery of healthcare at practice level.
We offer Practice managers and GP partners targeted information and insight relating to the business and management of GP Practices.
We provide relevant and tailored information and ideas that help general practice leaders and partners to navigate the changing landscape of health, manage growing sector expectations and achieve better patient outcomes. Content is delivered across a range of media so that our audience can choose how they access it.
We offer this free of charge, and in a number of ways. There’s something to suit everyone!
Daily via Practice Business Online
Our website is updated every day with new articles, features and news to ensure practice managers have a place to go on a daily basis to get the latest advice and information they need. We cover everything from finance, HR and CPD to medicine for managers,compliance and leadership (oh, and everything in between!) If the practice manager role covers it, we cover it too.
Weekly via e-Newsletter
Our newsletters are sent directly to your inbox to make sure you don’t miss a thing. We know how busy practice managers are, and you might not be able to check the website every day. Luckily, our newsletter pulls together all the best bits from the website that week so you can be sure you are keeping up to date with all of the latest news, views and features that get posted.