Hello from the Practice Business team! 


Practice Business is a carefully curated, management agenda platform focusing on the business, management and delivery of healthcare at practice level.


Our content supports and informs the key decision makers within GP Surgeries.


Following extensive research with our readers and the success of our enhanced website offering, Practice Business has been a totally digital offering for several years now.


We provide tailored and targeted information, insight, news, innovation, case studies and best practice to help GP Practice leaders to thrive in their ever-evolving and ever-expanding roles.  Our editorial aims to inspire, inform and engage Practice Managers and GP Partners across the country.


We lead with in-depth sector analysis and comment, following with practice manager interviews, ensuring that we keep tabs on who’s doing what – and why – in the sector. We aim to share good practice and success with the sector, providing an inspirational read.


We’re also very democratic, making sure we look at ‘acorns’ as well as ‘oak trees’, and do the leg-work to visit practices up and down the country. We also provide an impressive level of management content, looking at all aspects of the PM’s role. Our editorial team includes award-wining practice managers and health sector professionals and personalities, ensuring the magazine is a must-read, delivered with integrity and understanding.


Content is delivered across a range of media so that our audience can choose how they access it.


To receive our emails packed full of features, case studies and resource articles, covering all aspects of practice management in primary care, simply SIGN UP HERE.


Our driving force at Practice Business is to present information that will aid practice managers and GP partners in their day-to-day roles. It provides sector specific information, but also deals with general business management issues. We pride ourselves on the curation of valuable and timely content.


Our readership comprises the following individuals:

  • GP partners
  • Practice managers
  • Practice pharmacists
  • CCG
  • Others


*information based on core job titles, however, please note that this only measures standardised job titles, those that fall outside of these standard job titles will be captured under ‘other’.