Only one GP per 1,700 patients on the Isle of Wight
The Isle of Wight has just one GP per 1,700 people, according to Freedom of Information data As reported by the Isle of Wight County keep reading
The Isle of Wight has just one GP per 1,700 people, according to Freedom of Information data As reported by the Isle of Wight County keep reading
Essex is facing a workforce crisis, as some of the worst-hit areas are operating with just over 40 GPs per 100,000 patients and with high keep reading
GPs are leaving the sector – for a multitude of reasons – at a time where there are more GPs needed. The NHS England has keep reading
The BMA is urging GPs to find out if they are eligible for the GP Retention Scheme, which has 300 participants already Practice doctors considering keep reading
There’s an element of uncertainty in general practice at the moment – across the entire healthcare sector, for that matter. The wider perception is gloomy keep reading
According to the latest official data published by NHS the number of full-time equivalents (FTE) GP partners has fallen by 708 in 2017 The figures confirm keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in the National Health Executive Initiatives offering faster access to GPs may undermine doctors’ ability to keep people out keep reading
Does your practice embrace flexible working? Yuliana Topazly, founder of BuddyWith.org.uk, makes a strong case for considering it as a way of recruiting and retaining keep reading
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