Public satisfaction with the NHS sees decline in 2017
A survey conducted by British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey – which asked members of the public about their views on, and feelings towards, the NHS and keep reading
A survey conducted by British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey – which asked members of the public about their views on, and feelings towards, the NHS and keep reading
First impressions are said to be everything, but lasting impressions are made by delivering exceptional customer service. So, how do you exceed patient expectations? Ian keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in The Telegraph GP practices are being given ‘cash back’ for preventing patients from going to hospital, under ‘profit-share’ agreements, keep reading
Finding the right support and attracting the right talent to your practice can be an arduous task. The job advert you post has a massive keep reading
A new report –Â Reducing inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics in English primary care: evidence and outlook – claims inappropriate prescribing was found in every general practice keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in The Inverness Courier It’s not too late to register concerns about a controversial shake-up in GPs’ contracts, according to keep reading
In a new report –Â Quality patient referrals Right service, right time – published today, an end to referral management centres that ‘prioritise cost-savings over patient keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in Yorkshire Coast Radio A nurse from Field House Surgery in Bridlington is up for the General Practice Nurse keep reading
Plans to improve how doctors in training are assessed, appraised and receive feedback are a ‘welcome development’, says BMA That is the message from doctors keep reading
It’s one of the key questions the care quality commission (CQC) asks during inspection – is your GP practice providing safe care? To provide safe keep reading
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