New £10m fund will improve work life for GPs
A new £10m fund from NHS England will aim to improve the working lives of GPs NHS England has announced the creation of a £10m keep reading
A new £10m fund from NHS England will aim to improve the working lives of GPs NHS England has announced the creation of a £10m keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in The Telegraph GPs are being forced to deny patients routine appointments and only accept “urgent” cases due to keep reading
Where your practice occupies a building owned by NHS Property Services (NHS PS) you will almost certainly be asked to take a formal lease, even keep reading
MPS and NICE revise cauda equina syndrome establishing the red flag symptoms – changes which should help GPs and other healthcare professionals make more effective referrals in keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in Kent Online Around 250 doctors are needed for general practices in Kent, according to an NHS estimate. Kent keep reading
Migrants who made the NHS: the RCGP has paid tribute to GPs who served patients – and the profession – during difficult times in the keep reading
New research from the University of Bristol and published in BMJ Open suggests that the use of complementary/alternative medicine may help reduce over-prescribing of antibiotics keep reading
Prescription Cost Analysis report has been published by NHS digital The report details the number of items and the Net Ingredient Cost (NIC) of all prescriptions keep reading
The GMC’s relationship with doctors has taken a ‘hit’ following the Bawa-Garba case and it has a ‘long way’ to go to regain their confidence, keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in getwestlondon Figures from NHS Digital cover the period from July 2016 to December 2017, getwestlondon reports. Twelve west London keep reading
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