Crash course in IR35 ‘intermediaries legislation’
IR35 ‘intermediaries legislation’; it has been heavily criticised across board, deemed overly complex and has caused some public sector contractors to go private, as well keep reading
IR35 ‘intermediaries legislation’; it has been heavily criticised across board, deemed overly complex and has caused some public sector contractors to go private, as well keep reading
Let’s set the scene; GPs and practice staff across the UK are struggling with increasingly burdensome workloads and there are fewer resources to support healthcare keep reading
According to the latest official data published by NHS the number of full-time equivalents (FTE) GP partners has fallen by 708 in 2017 The figures confirm keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in BBC News Rural doctors say Scotland’s proposed new GP contract has not ‘adequately addressed’ the challenges they face, BBC keep reading
Scottish indemnifier urges Scottish government to speed up reform of the controversial personal injury discount rate Scotland’s largest GP indemnifier has urged the Scottish government keep reading
In the current climate, it’s becoming more difficult to attract potential partners for your GP practice. However – if you can make them an offer keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in The Gazette Missed appointments with GPs, practice nurses and other healthcare workers cost the Fylde coast NHS around £250,000 keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in the National Health Executive Initiatives offering faster access to GPs may undermine doctors’ ability to keep people out keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in The Bournemouth Daily Echo Doctors are thinking of quitting general practice because they feel undervalued within the healthcare keep reading
Researchers at the University of Bristol, UCL and the University of Birmingham say routine data won’t help GPs identify patients who are most at risk Expecting keep reading
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