NEWS: Parliament rushes blood scandal bill
As reported by BBC News, ahead of the general election, Parliament aims to pass a crucial bill ensuring infected blood scandal victims receive compensation promptly Commons leader keep reading
As reported by BBC News, ahead of the general election, Parliament aims to pass a crucial bill ensuring infected blood scandal victims receive compensation promptly Commons leader keep reading
As reported by NHS Providers, ahead of the general election, NHS leaders stress the importance of backing the future of healthcare, outlining key priorities for government keep reading
The BMA has called for increased investment to put the NHS back on a sustainable footing and an end to the punitive pension tax system keep reading
The US healthcare machine raked in $100bn last year – and CEOs are salivating at the money they could extract from British patients This is keep reading
Labour has highlighted NHS figures, claiming they demonstrate a decline in GP services under the Conservatives This is an edited version of an article first keep reading
Labour leader claims NHS will be sold to America by the Prime Minister, who keeps repeating Brexit mantra This is an edited version of an keep reading
This general election, general practice is being lauded as a vital part of the NHS and much election debate revolves around how government can reform keep reading
Health service bosses urge that parties should not use the NHS as ‘a political weapon’ in the election campaign This is an edited version of keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on On Medica None of the three major political parties has pledged enough money to close the NHS funding keep reading
Over 2000 GPs providing care for more than three million patients could be lost to the NHS if their status is not protected during Brexit keep reading
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