NHS faces £500m-a-year bill post-Brexit for returning retirees
Credit: This story was first seen on The Guardian The Guardian reports that the NHS would be hit with a bill for an extra £500m keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on The Guardian The Guardian reports that the NHS would be hit with a bill for an extra £500m keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on Digital Health The public can now access a wide range of statistical information on GP practices from across keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on the Bournemouth Echo Christchurch Hospital, Dorset, has been transformed into a health hub that includes a new GP keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on On Medica None of the three major political parties has pledged enough money to close the NHS funding keep reading
Patients will be able to access their GP record via the revamped NHS.uk from September 2017. Granting online access to medical records and care plans keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on the Scottish Herald A record number of GP practices in Scotland are now being run directly by health boards keep reading
Over 2000 GPs providing care for more than three million patients could be lost to the NHS if their status is not protected during Brexit keep reading
According to Falls prevention: New approaches to integrated falls prevention services, an estimated one-in-three people over the age of 65, and one in two over keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on The Independent Theresa May has been accused of failing to tackle the growing crisis in the NHS and keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on the BBC The chair of Northern Ireland’s GP Committee (NIGPC) is challenging local politicians to either ‘work with keep reading
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