Practice staff at risk of violence; ‘one incident is one too many’
Practice staff across the UK are at risk of violence from patients, with some surgeries offering self-defence training The BBC has discovered that over 3,000 keep reading
Practice staff across the UK are at risk of violence from patients, with some surgeries offering self-defence training The BBC has discovered that over 3,000 keep reading
The BMA is celebrating the fact that the Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Bill has today been approved in Parliament The British Medical Association (BMA) has keep reading
The BMA has reported that the risks associated with owning practice premises is set to be reduced thanks to a large investment Closely following the news keep reading
A new BMA survey shows that half of the GP buildings in England aren’t fit for purpose According to a major new survey on practise keep reading
NHS Digital data has shown that there has been a distinct rise in alcohol-related deaths over the past decade NHS Digital statistics, released earlier this keep reading
The RCGP has responded to the news that the BMA and NHS England have come to an agreement regarding the GP contract package Professor Helen keep reading
The British Medical Association (BMA) and NHS England have come together to create a five-year contract package The BMA’s GP committee has reached a contract keep reading
As of April, GPs won’t be able to charge for private services that patients should be able to receive for free As reported by The keep reading
Matt Hancock has released details of the government’s plans to tackle antibiotic resistance The health secretary, Matt Hancock, has revealed details of a five-year plan keep reading
The BMA has warned that its faith in the Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration Body has been eroded The British Medical Association (BMA) says that doctors keep reading
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