Marisa Peer shares why, and how, telling yourself you are enough can change everything
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Happiful
To banish the feeling of not being enough, you can take on board these five suggestions from Marisa Peer.
Acknowledge fear of rejection – then let it pass
When someone says something harsh, say something nice to yourself and tell yourself that you are a good person. Remember that people can be mean, unkind and hurtful, but critical people reserve the most criticism for themselves. You have a choice, every day, and not letting destructive criticisms in can actually change your life.
Think better thoughts
Everything begins with a thought. We’re all busy trying to change our actions when what we really need to do is change our thinking. The good news is that our thoughts are ours to change, upgrade and reframe all the time.
Reframe, reframe, reframe!
If you reframe a situation your mind will make it true, because your brain doesn’t know or care if what you tell it is false, useful or useless. If you feel that you messed something up, rather than berating yourself, tell yourself that you’ll do it better next time.
Praise yourself!
Tell yourself how well you are doing, celebrate what is good, and remember that you don’t have to be good at everything. Increase self-praise and minimise criticism, because nothing will wither and diminish your spirit more than your inner critic.
The power of ‘I am enough’
If you think you are not enough, you may feel awful, sad, defeated, anxious, or you might behave in an angry, defensive manner – but if you change that thought to ‘I am enough’ you’re likely to feel positive, confident, brave and reassured, and you’re also more likely to take life-enhancing risks – such as asking for that promotion, talking to new people or achieving that goal.
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