It can be difficult to get going on a Monday but never fear – Bonnie Evie Gifford has some great ideas to help you love Mondays
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Happiful
We all struggle with Mondays, but for different reasons. Overwhelmingly, in the UK, Monday is the start of our work, school or college week, meaning it’s one of the most stressful days as we begin a new cycle of days before our next day off – but the looming week ahead isn’t the only reason why Mondays can be so tough. If you find yourself dreading Mondays, it could be a sign that:
- You don’t like your job – disliking what you do, or finding it particularly stressful, can make Mondays feel hard but, actually, recognising why you don’t like your job, or that it’s your job that is the problem, can sometimes be tricky. If you feel yourself growing anxious, nervous or dreading the week ahead on a Sunday evening, it can be a sign that something isn’t quite right. Think about the specific cause; maybe you’re dreading a specific meeting or you don’t feel prepared for the week ahead.
- You feel trapped – transitioning from two days of freedom to five days of sticking to a rigid schedule can be tough, even when we’ve been doing it for years.
- Your work/life balance is out of kilter – having a good work/life balance is key for so many different reasons. Without enough time to ourselves, we may not be able to de-stress, maintain or build meaningful relationships, relax, unwind and truly find things to do that we enjoy.
- Your body’s natural cycle is off – our natural rhythm can become disrupted when we stay up later or reward ourselves with a lie-in. Even if you stick to your regular bedtime and waking schedule, weekends are often filled with other small differences.
- You’re not ready – while many of us love that ‘Friday feeling’, it’s not always conducive to helping set us up for the week ahead. Sometimes we have too much to fit into Friday and leave ourselves without a clear action plan for the following week.
- Everyone else hates Mondays – even if you aren’t the biggest fan of Mondays, the constant reminder of the ‘hardest day of the week’ could be making things feel much worse than they otherwise would.
Is Monday anxiety real?
Numerous studies have suggested that our mood is usually at its lowest on a Monday. While Monday morning anxiety (also referred to as the ‘Monday blues’) isn’t a specific, diagnosable type of anxiety, it’s a common occurrence for many of us. Over time, this can impact our mental health, leading to ongoing feelings of stress, anxiety and depression.
If you find yourself waking up and feeling stressed and anxious about your week ahead, there are things you can do to help improve your mood, decrease your sense of unhappiness and dissatisfaction, and feel more positive about your day (and the week) ahead.
How can you improve your Mondays?
- Get started with an energy boost – exercising regularly can help to improve both your mood and overall emotional state. Exercise can lessen negative moods and help create a sense of calm and relaxation while releasing natural feel-good endorphins to help us feel energised and happy.
- Make the most of the food-mood connection – according to scientists, your gut acts as a second brain. It’s responsible for more than 95% of serotonin manufactured in your body, meaning that what you eat can have a huge impact on how you feel, physically and mentally.
- Fix your sleep routine – getting enough good quality sleep is essential in setting yourself up for a more positive and productive Monday. Not getting enough sleep can lead to poor mood which, in turn, can lead to worse quality sleep or even avoiding sleeping, potentially creating an unhelpful cycle of poor sleep hygiene.
- Pace yourself – Monday is the start of your week – try to think of it as the start of a marathon, not a sprint to be got out of the way as quickly as possible.
- Keep Sundays as your day – Sunday night anxiety can creep up on us, stealing the last hours of our weekends and making us feel that the dread of Monday has arrived all too soon – but it doesn’t have to. Say ‘No’ to preparing for Mondays on your weekends; instead, when Friday comes back around, try to set aside 10 minutes to prepare for the following Monday if you can.
How can you make Mondays less boring?
- Give yourself something exciting to tackle – Mondays can feel like the looming start to a long week; saving a fun, enjoyable or exciting task to get your week started can help you to avoid feeling like you’ve got an endless to-do list.
- Widen your social network – having a strong social network both inside and outside work can provide a system of emotional support that can enhance our overall sense of wellbeing.
- Make the most of your weekend – having a good mixture of fun and relaxation, or physical activity – alone and time with friends/family/loved ones – can help you to feel more fulfilled, rested and like you’ve made the most of your precious time off.
- Talk with a career coach or counsellor – sometimes, that ‘Monday feeling’ can be a sign of something deeper.
- Ask your workplace if there’s anything they can do to help – many workplaces want to foster a positive, fun, culture and a sense of connection and belonging among employees. While not everywhere does it, this can mean that some workplaces arrange fun activities like Friday drinks, free snacks, or even just letting employees control what’s playing on the office speakers.
How can you start Monday positively?
- Be kind to future-you – leaving yourself just a couple of lines about what you were working on, what you should tackle next, or any key meeting preparation can help set you up for an easier morning with far less stress.
- Try muscle relaxation techniques – if you are feeling tense or on edge, progressive relaxation can help. This technique involves tensing different muscles around your body, and then releasing the tension.
- Set boundaries – if you’re putting in extra hours to try and get things done without interruption from colleagues, it can be a sign that you need to try and implement new ways of working.
- Prepare for Mondays – in order to hit the ground running, set yourself up for success. Clearing down your old to-do list can help you to feel more prepared and you will spend less time sorting through old, out-of-date tasks and information that could slow you down.
- Use breathing exercises – focusing on your breathing can help you to feel a deeper sense of connection between your mind and body.
If in doubt…
Fake it till you feel it. We’ve all heard about ‘fake it till you make it’ but why not try the same with how you feel about Mondays? Pretend that you love Mondays. Tell yourself that you’re going to have a great start to the week. Plan for the weekend you want as a reward for making it through the upcoming week – and find ways to make that plan a reality.
Monday might feel big and scary but, really, it’s just another day. The more time we spend anticipating the fun things we can do when our week is over, and the less time we allow ourselves to dwell on that Monday dread, the sooner we can find the right balance to help us take on the week and make it our own.
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