£21m bid to help build new GP practices
Credit: This story was first seen on The Inverness Courier Bosses at NHS Highland will ask the Scottish government for a multimillion-pound finance package that could keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on The Inverness Courier Bosses at NHS Highland will ask the Scottish government for a multimillion-pound finance package that could keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on The Belfast Telegraph Dozens of GP surgeries across Northern Ireland could be in danger of being privatised, campaigners keep reading
The recent announcement that all A&E departments in England will be introducing a GP triage service by Christmas was met with dismay by many of keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on This is Lancashire An ageing workforce and a lack of new recruits is continuing to raise concerns for keep reading
More than 3.5 million people aged 65 and over in the UK currently live alone, with 2.9 million claiming to have no-one to turn to keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on Herald Scotland A public health consultant has told MSPs that “systematic disinvestment” in GP services has caused a keep reading
Where recruitment is concerned it’s safe to assume statistics should be eyed with a degree of caution. For example, reasons for a certain region having keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on the Birmingham Mail A GP killed himself with a heroin overdose, hours after discovering he was under police keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on The Telegraph Thousands of GP practices are under threat of closure, with 7500 surgeries to become 1500 ‘superhubs’ under keep reading
GP practices have always been built on teamwork but, with the pressures on primary care now so acute, there is a growing consensus that the keep reading
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