Surcharge hike will hinder doctors, says BMA
The BMA cautions that government plans to double the cost of the health surcharge levied on non-EEA (European Economic Area) visitors to the UK risks keep reading
The BMA cautions that government plans to double the cost of the health surcharge levied on non-EEA (European Economic Area) visitors to the UK risks keep reading
The BMA welcomes proposals being considered by the Welsh government to combat abuse of staff Proposals being considered by the Welsh government to protect NHS keep reading
The BMA has pledged to support GPs who take legal action to rectify underpayments and errors resulting from Capita’s primary care support services BMA GPs keep reading
‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…’ The opening words of Charles Dickens’ a Tale of Two Cities now ring true for GPs keep reading
According to Understanding pressures in general practice, the 2016 King’s Fund report, more GPs today are retiring – and retiring earlier. A 2015 national survey keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on the Argus GP services in Brighton and Hove and around the country are in a ‘full-blown crisis’ a keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on the London Evening Standard A quarter of all GP appointments are “avoidable” with doctors forced to waste millions of hours keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on iNews GPs have called for the creation of ‘black alerts’ in primary care to indicate that maximum safe keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on The Telegraph Waiting times for a GP appointment are set to surge towards three weeks because of a keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on the BBC The chair of Northern Ireland’s GP Committee (NIGPC) is challenging local politicians to either ‘work with keep reading
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