Long COVID, a condition characterised by persistent symptoms following a COVID-19 infection, presents significant challenges for healthcare workers. Kim Sunley and Jenny Michael, co-chairs of the NHS Staff Council’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Group (HSWG), look at the resources and practical measures available to support healthcare workers experiencing long COVID
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on NHS Employers
For many healthcare workers grappling with long COVID, a pervasive issue is the lack of understanding and empathy from managers and colleagues. Despite the debilitating nature of their symptoms, some feel unsupported and even disbelieved, adding to their distress.
The role of empathy
Empathy is key in addressing the needs of healthcare workers with long COVID. By demonstrating understanding and offering support, managers can help alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty faced by affected employees. Access to occupational health services and human resources support can further contribute to a supportive work environment.
Updated guidance
Recent guidance from the NHS Staff Council underscores the importance of promoting health, safety, and wellbeing in the workplace, particularly for those dealing with long-term health conditions like long COVID. The focus is on what employees can do with reasonable support, rather than dwelling on their limitations due to illness.
Disability inclusion
For individuals experiencing long-term symptoms, the possibility of being classified as having a disability becomes a reality. In response, the NHS Staff Council’s Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Group has issued guidance on creating disability-inclusive workplaces. Flexible working arrangements emerge as a practical solution to accommodate staff with long COVID.
Retaining essential workers
With healthcare services already under strain, retaining skilled and experienced staff affected by long COVID is crucial. Losing these workers would not only exacerbate existing staffing shortages but also compromise patient care.
As we await insights from ongoing inquiries into the impact of the pandemic on healthcare workers, it is imperative for employers and healthcare unions to take proactive measures in supporting those with long COVID. By prioritising their wellbeing and providing necessary support, we can ensure the continued resilience of our healthcare workforce.
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