Some patients in Ossett, Yorkshire, may not have been immunised against certain diseases following problems with vaccine storage, according to the Yorkshire Post
A GP surgery in Yorkshire has announced that some of its patients could have been immunised using vaccinations that may not work.
Some of the vaccines were stored at the wrong temperature for over seven months. This means that some patients of the Prospect Surgery in Ossett will have to be revaccinated.
Among the vaccines affected was the pneumococcal vaccines, which is given to babies.
Local parents said they are concerned for their children in case they have been left vulnerable to infection and disease.
In a letter to parents, Prospect Surgery said:
“While being given a vaccine stored at the wrong temperature is not harmful, we cannot be sure that all children vaccinated at the surgery between the above dates are adequately protected against the diseases for which they were vaccinated.
“All vaccines which were stored at the incorrect temperature have been replaced and new fridges and fridge temperature monitors have been purchased.”
A spokesperson for NHS England confirmed that investigations are still ongoing to establish how many vaccinations were affected and how many patients will have to be recalled.
They said:
“We cannot be sure that vaccine stored at the incorrect temperature has given the patient the required protection against the condition for which they are being vaccinated, therefore, as a precaution we will be writing to all patients affected to invite them to be revaccinated.”
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