Do you struggle to maintain a regular sleeping pattern – here’s how to enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep and get your sleep back on track
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Psychologies
Experiencing sleep issues can easily lead to apprehension about bedtime. Counteract this by crafting a tranquil haven with gentle furnishings and accessories that aid in alleviating nighttime restlessness. Introducing a weighted blanket, a calming pillow spray and a stack of reading material can yield substantial benefits.
Considering that you might be spending more wakeful hours in your bedroom than desired, why not transform it into a serene and comforting space? Most importantly, bear in mind that your regular sleep pattern is likely to be restored as life returns to its usual rhythm.
Janice Tracey, a nutritional therapist, discovered solace in breathing exercises to manage her insomnia. “The disruption caused by early awakening was deeply distressing for me while I was juggling work and family responsibilities. I felt utterly fatigued! Engaging in breathing exercises upon waking became a lifesaver: Two rapid inhalations followed by a prolonged exhalation, repeated. I managed to return to sleep about 70% of the time, and even when I didn’t, the breathing regimen facilitated relaxation and a sense of rejuvenation, mitigating the anxiety associated with wakefulness.”
Pearl Howie, an author and fitness instructor, perceives early morning awakening as an opportunity to address her concerns. “The Dalai Lama alluded to the significance of waking at dawn, and many traditions acknowledge the spiritual relevance of the time before sunrise,” she asserts. “To me, it’s precious. This is why various retreats emphasize early bedtime and sunrise walks. Upon waking, I focus on releasing my fears, quieting my mind, and meditating to attain tranquillity. I’ve grown accustomed to the 4 a.m. wake-up, embracing it with the tenacity of a warrior.”
Psychotherapist Gosia Bowling recommends these three strategies for a journey to dreamland:
Bid farewell to clock-watching
Prolonged observation of the clock only amplifies anxiety about wakefulness. Instead, experiment with ‘the paradox’ – challenge yourself to remain awake. Strive with determination to keep your eyes open, relying solely on the power of your mind. Occasional blinking is permissible, but refrain from reading, watching TV, or shifting positions.
Embrace the ‘quarter of an hour principle
If you find yourself lying in bed without sleep for extended periods, you start associating your bed with wakefulness and potential agitation. If sleep eludes you after 15 to 20 minutes, exit your bed and venture to another room. Engage in an activity that doesn’t stimulate your mind for 20 to 30 minutes, then return to bed. Repeat until sleep finds you.
Experiment with the ‘magic yawn’
Your emotions are influenced by your actions. Smiling can induce feelings of happiness while furrowing your brow and turning down the corners of your mouth can evoke sadness. This concept applies to sleep as well. Trick your body into embracing fatigue – let your eyelids droop, allow a sense of heaviness in your limbs, and simulate a couple of yawns.
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