The impact of e-triage systems on the GP IT market
With his local CCG offering to pay for an e-triage system our columnist, Neil Paul, explores what this could mean for the GP IT market keep reading
With his local CCG offering to pay for an e-triage system our columnist, Neil Paul, explores what this could mean for the GP IT market keep reading
With his local CCG offering to pay for an e-triage system our columnist, Neil Paul, explores what this could mean for the GP IT market keep reading
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The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a tech culture change across the NHS. Rich Corbridge argues this new agility, and apetite for, a digitised health keep reading
An NHS trust is using robot workers to help it save time and money, following the news that automation could save the NHS as much keep reading
General practice is under pressure – and so too are those who work within it. Technology is being championed as a solution as the NHS keep reading
The NHS’s £800,000 myGP app is experiencing success in its roll-out across Lancashire The myGP app, created by iPlato, has been rolled out across Lancashire keep reading
Sarah Wilkinson has described the near future of the NHS as “the era of self-service” at a conference this week According to Digital Health, the keep reading
Computer Weekly has reported on the strides one trust is making to bin its fax machines and make its data safer – something it hopes keep reading
At an event last week, Matt Hancock outlined his plans for an NHS that fully utilises advanced technology Health secretary, Matt Hancock, has set out keep reading
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