Changes to the GP contract 2022/23
The GP contract regulations will be updated in 2022/23 with the intention of making a number of changes to be aware of Online bookings In keep reading
The GP contract regulations will be updated in 2022/23 with the intention of making a number of changes to be aware of Online bookings In keep reading
GP molested female patients as young as 11 by using medical stories about celebrities including Angelina Jolie as an excuse for his invasive examinations, a keep reading
Two companies that provided personal care services have been fined £4000 because they were not registered with Care Quality Commission (CQC) as required by law keep reading
The BMA is taking legal action due to age discrimination following 2015’s pension changes The BMA is taking legal action against the government over doctors’ keep reading
The Medical Defence Union (MDU) is warning GPs to pay attention to the small print in the rules governing the recently-introduced state indemnity scheme The keep reading
The MDU has expressed its support for Leslie Hamilton’s report on how the laws on gross negligence manslaughter are applied in medicine The Medical Defence keep reading
The Medical Defence Union is reminding GPs of the importance of notifying hospitals regarding patients’ advance decisions GPs are being reminded about the importance of keep reading
As reported by The Guardian, Oxford University hospitals trust was threatened with a lawsuit after outcry over cancer scanning services being outsourced to a private keep reading
The MDU has welcomed the announcement that a more consistent approach will be taken when investigating complaints The Medical Defence Union (MDU) has welcomed the keep reading
A review into legal aid reforms is set to ensure GP surgeries receive legal advice, according to the BBC The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has keep reading
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