With an impending no-deal Brexit putting people’s jobs at risk and jeopardising financial stability, one in 10 are being driven to consult a GP over workplace stress and anxiety. Despite this, many don’t feel supported by their boss
As part of Mental Health awareness week the think tank, Parliament Street, wants to help shine a light on mental health issues that can arise in the workplace.
According to a research poll conducted by the Parliament Street, over one third (35%) of UK workers believe their employer ‘does not care’ about their mental or financial wellbeing. The poll, with participants of over 2,000 full-time UK workers in professional roles, examined pressures placed on employees as well as money worries and concerns over Brexit.
Disturbingly, four in 10 people admitted lying to family members and colleagues about their financial and mental wellbeing. Additionally, 16% confessed to consulting their GP over stress in the last six months.
A further 17% admitted calling a debt helpline and 23% said they had considered suicide over financial worries in the last six months.
Fears over the impact of a no-deal Brexit were revealed. Twenty-two per cent divulged that a no-deal scenario would put their job at risk. A further 40% said they are planning to take a second job at night to make ends meet.
The poll found 16% of respondents said they had gone over their credit card limit in the last six months, and 13% admitted to using a foodbank in the same period. A further nine per cent said they had stolen from their employer out of financial desperation.
Derrick Farrell, CEO at Vita Health Group, said: “These figures paint a surprising picture of the state of mental health support systems for UK workers. Anyone, whatever their financial or personal circumstances, can find themselves faced with depression, anxiety or other illnesses, which all too often go untreated.
“It’s critical that employers invest in the highest standards of professional support, including employee assistance programmes, which can help tackle these challenges as well as ensuring every member of staff has access to the care they need.”
It is clear that better communication needs to exist between bosses and their employees, making the work environment a supportive place which welcomes the discussion of mental health instead of shunning it. We hope this research conducted by the Parliament Street think tank might kick-start the conversation.
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