Self-care practices in healthcare management

a happy woman sits in a flower pot and waters it and herself

By leveraging insights on inclusive and equitable self-care, practice managers can foster a resilient and supportive work environment, ultimately translating into improved patient care and overall practice success

 CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on BMA

Self-care, as defined by the World Health Organisation, is about individuals, families, and communities promoting health, preventing disease, maintaining well-being, and dealing with illness—with or without professional help. It involves techniques supporting individuals in managing their health independently, leading to a better quality of life. Self-care varies widely, from physical exercise to proper medication and quality sleep.

It’s crucial to note that self-care is not a replacement for medical care. Amidst the constraints of healthcare financing and resources, self-care harmonises with medical interventions rather than supplanting them.

Societal factors: The unseen hurdles

Adequate housing, financial security, and education lay the foundation for meaningful self-care. It’s a stark reminder that not everyone possesses the resources to engage in these activities. As practices champion individual well-being, they must also be aware of the societal barriers that impede it.

Challenges and weight stigma in healthcare

Behind the veneer of self-care lie intricate challenges. Patients, especially those grappling with chronic pain conditions, may encounter accusations of not trying hard enough. A pervasive fatphobia in the medical system adds layers of complexity, negatively impacting adherence to medication and long-term health outcomes. For self-care to thrive, dismantling weight stigma becomes an imperative task for practice managers.

Importance of tailored approaches

Balancing self-care activities with the demands of pain, depression, or fatigue can becomes a nuanced art. For those managing chronic long-term conditions, a tailored approach that addresses both physical and psychological impacts is indispensable.

Understanding the multifaceted aspects of self-care can empower practice managers to foster an inclusive and supportive practice environment, prioritising the well-being of both patients and staff alike.

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