Best practice: One practice manager’s journey to delivering better care
There are a variety of reasons that people enter the healthcare sector; for Ann Neville, practice business manager of Darwen Healthcare, Darwen, it was keep reading
There are a variety of reasons that people enter the healthcare sector; for Ann Neville, practice business manager of Darwen Healthcare, Darwen, it was keep reading
Technology is being championed as a solution as the NHS moves towards a digital-first system which promises to realise efficiencies, reduce workloads and streamline processes keep reading
The Leicestershire Mercury has reported that cost-saving measures in GP prescriptions could create an epidemic of head lice A money-saving bid to cut health authorities’ keep reading
The Independent has reported that the National Health Service will be forced to endure billions in cuts, after the government underestimated pension costs Thanks to keep reading
New data shows that a quarter of extended hours GP appointments are being left unfilled The government’s extended GP hours policy has now been rolled keep reading
As flu season approaches, we thought it the right time to consider guidance on storing and handling vaccines in general practice. Safe storage and management keep reading
That the demand on general practice is increasing is evident, and practices are seeking more efficient ways of delivering their services with the resources that keep reading
The RCGP has stated that general practice is continuing to suffer as doctors are discouraged from the profession, and drastic action is required The Royal keep reading
The BMA is calling for fundamental reform of the pay-review process for doctors and dentists in the UK In a joint statement to the health keep reading
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