Technology is being championed as a solution as the NHS moves towards a digital-first system which promises to realise efficiencies, reduce workloads and streamline processes in general practices that are under pressure. However, there are challenges that must be overcome to realise a digitally-driven health service which serves the needs of the practice team and the patient population efficiently
In conjunction with our partner Brother UK, we’re undertaking research into the barriers to digital transformation in general practice – the findings of which will be published, by us, in a white paper.
The challenge
Demands on general practice – the first point of contact for 90% of NHS patients – have been steadily increasing. It’s not just a heavier workload either; rather, as The King’s Fund has noted, it’s more complex and intense work which is leading to a feeling of crisis. This has manifested itself in difficulties with recruitment and retention of GPs who want to do full-time, patient-facing work.
Daily, practices are juggling patient factors, system factors and supply-side issues, such as funding and workforce issues. A digital-first system is being championed as a means of streamlining these factors and alleviating the subsequent pressures – a paperless, streamlined practice.
In an ideal world, digital-first practices would be immediately embraced; in the real world, resource limitations, ingrained working practices and legacy systems make a simple switch seem anything from unlikely to impossible.
The objective
The objective is to establish the challenges and obstacles faced by practices when it comes to implementing digital-first systems, and to better understand how practices can improve efficiency, save time and reduce workload through technology.
That’s why, together with Brother UK, we’re undertaking research into digital transformation in general practice, which will be shared in a whitepaper; your insights and your experiences are essential to this, and we’d love to hear from you!
We’re very keen to have your input via our short, online survey (it will take no more than a few minutes!) to help us with our research. We know how busy you are so, as a thank you for sparing a few minutes of your day, every respondent will be entered into a drawer to win an iPad Mini 4!
You can take the survey here.
In addition, if you have a specific technology experience – positive, or otherwise – that you would like to share, we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch via email HERE.
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