Research, as reported by Pharma Phorum, shows that billions of pounds could be saved through the use of digital health tools
A new whitepaper from Now Healthcare Group (NHG) suggests that the use of digital health tools across England could save the NHS around £7.5bn.
According to the research, telehealth/digital consultations have the potential to remove the need for a face-to-face GP appointment in 56% of cases.
NHG goes on to estimate that, if app-based tech was rolled out across the nation, £7.5bn could be saved.
This includes a potential annual saving of £2.2bn by redirecting patients via app-based tech to non-GP consultations.
The research also showed that 27% of consultations via the app did not need to be handled by a GP.
Additionally, 41% could have been handled by a pharmacist or nurse.
Eighty per cent of the patients surveyed said that if the digital platform was not available to them, they would have attended their NHS GP surgery.
The findings support the goals of the NHS Long-Term Plan, which looks to “open a digital ‘front door’ to the health service” by allowing patients to access digital healthcare more easily.
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