Consumption of sugar in England has risen in recent years, despite the sugary drinks tax cutting sugar content by 29%
Public Health England has released a new report on progress made by the food industry to voluntarily reduce sugar in everyday food.
While the tax on sugary drinks has led to sugar content falling by 29%, England is nowhere near its target of getting manufacturers to cut sugar in their foods by a fifth.
In fact, the amount of sugary food we buy has risen.
The BMA has responded to this, stating that mandatory measures are necessary to help stem the growing obesity crisis.
BMA board of science chair Professor Dame Parveen Kumar, said:
“It’s clear that this industry needs mandatory measures to reduce the amount of sugar in our food and drink.
“This will be by far the most effective means of reducing the public’s sugar consumption and help stem the growing obesity crisis.
“The government has a responsibility to follow through on its commitments to introduce a 9pm watershed on advertising high sugar foods and place further restrictions on the promotion of unhealthy food and drink.
“Healthier options should not always mean more expensive options; measures such as taxation on unhealthier products to subsidise healthier are all part of the wider push that is needed.”
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