Responding to positive feedback

When you receive positive feedback from a senior colleague, it can sometimes be hard to know how to respondĀ 

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared onĀ Indeed

If you excel in your role you may receive positive feedback and, although it may feel exciting, you may also be unsure how to reply. Here are six suggestion for how to respond to positive feedback from your seniors with examples you can review to help you feel more comfortable.

Accept the compliment

The first step to responding appropriately is to embrace the compliment and accept the kind comments they’re making about your efforts. Recognise your progress and growth within your role and the positive contributions you’ve made to the department or company. You may feel nervous about accepting praise, especially if you want to remain humble, but minimising your accomplishments may show your supervisor that you’re not confident about your work. Instead, graciously accepting their acknowledgements can help you show that you’re proud of what you’ve done so far and that you feel committed to your continuous improvement.

Express your gratitude

After accepting the compliment, express your gratitude by thanking them for their feedback and support. They’ve made an effort to notice your growth and contributions and acknowledge your success in the workplace. If they’ve helped you thrive in your role, or supported you as you learned a new process or skill, you can also thank them for their guidance and their role in your progress. Showing that you’re grateful for their input and advice may motivate them to continue to share positive feedback, and they may be more willing to provide you with support or guidance when you require it.

Learn more about their feedback

Once you’ve thanked your them for their support, consider asking a follow-up question to learn more about why they provided you with positive feedback, and what you did to earn this acknowledgement; this can help you identify what about your performance exceeded their expectations, making it easier to repeat these behaviours and continue to make a positive impression on your employer in the future. You can also ask if there are areas of your performance that you can still improve upon, or if there’s something you might have done differently (and even better).

Keep documentation of the feedback

If you receive verbal feedback, take note of these comments and keep documentation for future reference. Writing it down gives you details you can review in the future if you’re looking for ways to improve or you want to reflect on your progress. This can also help you when it’s time for employee performance reviews or if you want to negotiate a pay rise since the positive feedback from your seniors can act as evidence of your contribution and the value you bring to the company. You may also receive positive feedback through an email, or professional review, which is already in writing and easy for you to store and reference.

Take note of their priorities

Receiving positive feedback can provide information about the skills, qualities and effort that are appreciated by your company; take note of what they find especially valuable or beneficial, so that you can continue to develop these competencies and succeed in your role. 

Repeat positive behaviour

After receiving positive feedback you may feel tempted to ease up on your efforts in the workplace since you already received recognition; however, this can show your supervisor that you don’t take your role seriously or aren’t interested in continuing to grow and succeed. Instead, try to continue the positive behaviours you received praise for and look for new ways to impress your boss.

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