We all know that walking and running improve health – and that we should all be doing more if we can. But what can improve a walk or a jog? Picking up litter! It’s a new craze called ‘plogging’. Here’s how a bit of fun on a run (or walk) could have a positive impact on your practice and local environment
In Sweden, environmentally conscious runners have taken to collecting plastic litter during their runs, says Jane McGuire writing in Runner’s World. The ‘aerobically taxing and rubbish-collecting activity’ is a composite (or portmanteau) of ‘jogging’ and ‘plucking’ – plogging.
The ‘craze’ was started by Erik Ahlström whose Stockholm-based group Plogga encourages the city’s runners to do good while they jog, picking up rubbish as they move. It’s a lot of fun as this video shows.
How do I arrange my own plog?
If you want to join an organised plog you can find local plogging events near you by visiting the Twitter account at PloggingUK – but it’s simple enough to manage your own. You’ll need some comfortable shoes, some bags to fill and some protective gloves to keep any nasties away. Then, find your route, and hit the streets.
At Practice Business we’ve written about walking meetings and how taking your updates outside could help improve not only your health but the meetings too, with fresh air sometimes helping to develop fresh ideas.
The British summer-time may not always deliver continuous sunshine (or much sunshine at all) but taking the opportunity to get outside can be positive for both physical and mental health; by plogging, you’re doing even more – helping to protect the environment too. What’s not to like?
Why bother?
GP practices hold a position of influence within local communities. By organising a plog (or an old-fashioned litter-pick) you’re demonstrating to your community that you are making a positive difference by improving local conditions for everyone. It’s an important part of your corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a business.
If you’re turned off by the business-speak, in plain English it’s about making the environment the best it can be for everyone. It’s also a demonstration to your patients, stakeholders and regulators that your practice is making a difference to patients and the planet.
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