NEWS: New resources tackle GP safety concerns

As reported by Londonwide LMC,  a safety resource pack is launched to help general practices manage unsafe workloads and improve patient care

In response to GPs, practice team members and patients facing increasing occurrences of unsafe situations in general practice we have launched new resources to support practising safely, including bringing patients onboard with the necessity of this approach.

Dr Lisa Harrod-Rothwell, Deputy CEO, Londonwide LMCs and lead on safe working, said:

“Safety in general practice is a growing concern for GPs and those they care for. And it is distressing that in 2024 most practices in London feel unable to deliver care that is either safe for patients or staff.  That is why we have developed and launched our new safety resource pack, supporting London’s general practice teams who are currently dealing with unsafe workloads across the Capital.

“Whether due to the demand: capacity/ capability mismatch, system operational failings, or pressure to operate beyond the limits of their expertise, we are responding to staff concerns about safe practice and threats to safe patient care driving stress and worsening mental health. If we don’t find a way to address this soon retention will continue to be an issue and GPs will continue to leave. If workforce numbers keep dropping the safety and quality of the service we offer to our patients will decline even faster.

“With resources to manage workload, our new guide on dealing with abusive and violent patients, guidance on managing access, a patient participation pack, template letters and responses, posters, and guidance on reporting operational pressures, these dedicated resources will help practices manage the growing demands they face.

“We have also developed guides and tools on working in partnership with patients: the time has come for those working in general practice to join with their patients. No patient wants to arrive in the consulting room to find an emotionally and intellectually exhausted GP, who lacks the time to hear their concerns, who is distracted by multiple competing demands and who no longer can ensure patients’ access to wider NHS services they need. No GP wants this either.

“Whilst general practice recognises the immense unprecedented pressures facing the NHS and politicians to achieve financial balance despite immense resource and NHS workforce constraints, increasing patient and population need and increasing expectation, rationing that has reduced patients’ access to specialist services. We need political leaders to be honest about what they can expect from general practice and take accountability for their prioritisation, policies and decisions that have resulted in most GPs in London now feeling that there are unable to deliver safe care.”

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