NEWS: New resources tackle GP safety concerns
As reported by Londonwide LMC,  a safety resource pack is launched to help general practices manage unsafe workloads and improve patient care In response to GPs, practice team keep reading
As reported by Londonwide LMC,  a safety resource pack is launched to help general practices manage unsafe workloads and improve patient care In response to GPs, practice team keep reading
Leadership in 2023 is no easy feat, requiring a delicate blend of patience and urgency. The challenge lies in knowing when to invest time and keep reading
William Greenwood, LMC chief executive, lead governor for a specialist FT hospital and chair of a local patient participation group, discusses how legislation and ICSs keep reading
Practice Business has collated a list of key resources which practice managers can use and refer to for guidance during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic Guidance keep reading
The RCGP have convened a group of GP experts on emergency preparedness to answer these FAQs and are also bringing together helpful material from elsewhere keep reading
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