The NHS digital revolution

hand holding mobile phone with app for healthcare - online consultation with doctor

The NHS England Operational Planning Guidance for 2024/25 has set the stage for a transformative era in healthcare, with a strong emphasis on leveraging data, digital technologies, and automation to drive improvements in access, quality, and productivity across the system

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on National Health Executive

The NHS is gearing up to invest £3.4 billion in data and technology from 2025/26 onwards, aiming to boost the digital maturity of provider organisations across all sectors. This substantial investment underscores the NHS’s commitment to revolutionising patient care and staff experience through digital innovation.

Integrating AI and automation

As healthcare providers plan their technological investments, integrating AI and automation into existing systems and workflows emerges as a crucial consideration. From streamlining administrative tasks with robotic process automation (RPA) to enhancing patient care through AI-powered clinical decision support tools, the potential applications are vast and promising.

Leveraging data for better care

Implementing the Federated Data Platform highlighted in the guidance is vital for supporting various initiatives, including elective recovery, care coordination, and vaccination programmes. By harnessing big data and advanced analytics, healthcare providers can make evidence-based decisions to improve patient outcomes and address the growing demand for services.

Embedding digital technology in mental health services is a key focus, aiming to provide more personalised care, improve clinical productivity, and enhance access and outcomes.

Equipping healthcare professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to leverage AI and automation effectively is crucial. Staff training and development should encompass technical and soft skills to foster innovation and improve job satisfaction.

Putting patients first

The success of AI and automation hinges on their impact on patient outcomes and experiences. Engaging with patients to understand their needs and concerns is essential for designing solutions that genuinely enhance care quality and accessibility while ensuring data privacy and security.

By embracing AI and automation, the NHS can build a more efficient, effective, and responsive healthcare system. With the right vision and execution, the NHS is poised to lead the way in this transformative digital landscape, ensuring better outcomes for patients and staff alike.

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