Mastering the language of leadership

Angry boss giving employee feedback

The words chosen by leaders carry profound significance, shaping employees’ perceptions of the company, their roles, and the overall team dynamic. We explore how the nuances of language can significantly impact outcomes

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Business News Daily

Effective communication is paramount in leadership. Whether it involves hiring, performance management, disciplining employees, or motivating them, the words you choose play a crucial role. Let’s delve into strategies for better communication and explore how your language can significantly impact outcomes


How you discuss an employee’s performance and engagement is crucial. These conversations can shape the way your employee perceives the company, your leadership, and their role on the team. Your direct communication has a significant impact on them, as do your reactions or responses to their questions or concerns. For instance, if you begin a performance discussion with negative feedback, they may perceive it as unfair and judgmental, leading the conversation in a hostile or defensive direction. Instead, discussions should be framed as opportunities to discuss and focus on the employee, their career goals, and what they need to achieve.


Hiring and onboarding present an excellent opportunity to demonstrate to new hires what they can expect from you as their leader. Consider this as you communicate their role, your expectations for employees, company values, and introduce them to their team members. Onboarding is a critical time to ensure employees feel welcomed and equipped with foundational knowledge. Explain any concepts or terminologies they may need to know for later use. Share the company’s values and make it clear that you value their feedback by providing them with space to communicate with you directly.


Clarity is paramount, particularly when it comes to disciplinary policies. Employees need to understand what is expected of them and the consequences if they fail to adhere to the rules.

When an employee violates a policy, it’s important to discuss what the policy entails and why their behaviour or action was unacceptable. The way you address their violation is crucial, and it should convey openness to hearing their perspective. Provide them with an opportunity to explain what happened in their own words and listen attentively as they share their side of the story.


Every employee is unique and may respond differently to motivational language. Therefore, it’s beneficial to engage them in ongoing conversations about the company’s mission and how their work contributes to it. This involvement allows you to encourage their buy-in to the mission, ensuring alignment and enhancing your communication effectiveness.


Instead of using technical jargon, communicate with vocabulary that your employees can easily understand and relate to. The best approach is to have direct conversations with them. Step out of your office and engage with everyone on your team. By speaking their language, you can make your communication more effective.

Many communication breakdowns occur due to misunderstanding. Great communication is the cornerstone of successful leadership because it fosters understanding, trust, and alignment within teams. Leaders who communicate clearly and transparently can set expectations, provide feedback, and motivate employees more effectively.


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