When it’s pouring down with rain – as it often is, here in the UK – a walk might be the last thing on your mind – it turns out, walking in the rain has a huge range of benefits for your physical and mental health
CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Psychologies
It’s time to reinvent the way we perceive drizzly days and discover what walking in the rain can actually do for your health and wellbeing. Here are four reasons why you should step outside next time it starts pouring.
The petrichor scent calms your mind and body
Have you ever noticed the smell of rain? Or rather, the smell of the ground and air during or after the rain? If not, the next time you’re out in a downpour, take a deep breath. That sweet, fresh, soothing scent is called petrichor, and it is seriously good for the soul.
What is petrichor?
This evocative fragrance is created when compounds from plant oils, accumulated in soil and rocks, are mixed into moisture droplets and released into the air – think of it like rainy day aromatherapy. As well as the benefits from the airborne plant oils themselves – depending on your environs – petrichor has calming and mood-boosting properties.
This is thought to stem from a cultural imprint, derived from our ancestors, who would have found food and water more plentiful in times of rain than drought. Cue natural calming thoughts!
Walking in the rain helps you shift your perspective
When next in the rain, take a moment to become present to your surroundings, and you’ll be astounded by what you see.
The world becomes a different place when shrouded by rainfall, diffused in a unique light, with everything changing in shape, colour and sound. You may even encounter natural splendours reserved only for those who venture out in wet weather: steam rising from the ground, yellow storm light, flowers closing their petals until the sun emerges again.
This different view of the world can help inspire a shift in perspective in other areas of life, too. A little shake up of how you see things is sometimes all you need to make positive progress.
You breathe cleaner air on rainy walks
If you’re hoping to get a little fresh air, there’s no better time to go for a walk than when it’s raining. As a raindrop falls through the atmosphere, a natural phenomenon occurs whereby the droplet attracts tens to hundreds of air pollution particles such as traffic pollution.
This process does a remarkable job of cleaning the air around you, making it better to breathe in. A 2015 study published in the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics demonstrated just how effective rain is at reducing air pollution. Dan Cziczo, of MIT in the US, which carried out the research, said the results of the study showed rain had the potential to improve air quality and human health.
You’ll learn to let go of what you can’t control
There are many things in life beyond your control, yet sometimes it can be a struggle to let go and truly accept what is. From grieving a lost loved one, to feeling stressed about a job interview, there are times when releasing control is the best and only thing you can do… and taking a walk in the rain can help.
You can’t control when it rains, just as you can’t control so many aspects of life. The weather is unpredictable, so a stroll in the rain can help remind you of that. And if you can learn to be OK with rain, you can take that acceptance into other areas of your life.
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