Patients in Torquay willing to sign up for a popular diet plan can receive £10 from their GP to help with the cost of it as part of a new trial, according to Devon Live
The NHS is attempting to encourage the people of Torquay to lose weight by giving them £10 towards the cost of an increasingly-popular diet plan.
A team of slimmers in south Devon have followed the Cambridge Diet Plan and all lost weight. An innovative new scheme to have them consult with doctors in the area come January is currently being planned.
The diet combines real food with formula food, and was recently featured in an episode of Horizon.
Torquay’s local health authority is offering to pay £10 per week to those wanting to try the diet, which can potentially cost up to £50 a week.
This trial scheme is aimed at those with conditions that are exacerbated by obesity, such as Type 2 diabetes and arthritis.
A Cambridge Weight Loss consultant, Julie Young, managed dramatic weight loss and has maintained her new shape for nine years. She said: “I am very excited to say that my team has been invited by Mark Thomas, practice manager of Chelston Hall Surgery, to run a trial with Chelston patients. We are the the very first consultant lead trials within an NHS practice.
“The diet is about people getting into a new pattern. People see tremendous differences and many can lower their medication which is why this helps the NHS.
“Diabetes UK conducted an independent study called Direct, which was published in The Lancet in December 2017; it showed Type 2 diabetes could be put into remission through non-surgical weight management with use of low calorie weight loss programme.”
Professor Anthony Leeds, medical director of Cambridge Weight Plan, added: “The announcement on 30 November that NHS England plans to fund 800 calorie per day diets for NHS patients is an important milestone in gaining acceptance for Cambridge Weight Plan.
“We now expect a number of GP practices around the country, including the one in Torquay to roll-out their own referral programmes and report their results in due course. Compliance with this type of diet is very high despite everyone believing that it may be difficult.”
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