GP recruitment crisis caused by ‘systematic disinvestment’
Credit: This story was first seen on Herald Scotland A public health consultant has told MSPs that “systematic disinvestment” in GP services has caused a keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on Herald Scotland A public health consultant has told MSPs that “systematic disinvestment” in GP services has caused a keep reading
Where recruitment is concerned it’s safe to assume statistics should be eyed with a degree of caution. For example, reasons for a certain region having keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on The Scotsman The Scottish government has responded to calls for action from beleaguered GPs by giving them an keep reading
One of the key aims of the recent finance announcement by NHS England and the BMA was to, ‘…secure much needed funding to address GP keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on the Daily Mirror Millions of needless GP appointments cost the cash-starved NHS over £300m a year, the Daily keep reading
As GP practices are faced with increasingly pinched budgets – in the face of an accelerating ageing population – the discussions around future provision of primary care in the community continue to keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on the BBC A £41m plan to give everyone in Greater Manchester seven-day GP access has been approved, the keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on The Hereford Times Health bosses in Herefordshire are to take over full responsibility for commissioning local GP services keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on The Nottingham Post MP Lilian Greenwood has expressed concerns about how the closure of a GP practice has keep reading
Credit: This story was first seen on The Nottingham Post Seven GP practices have closed in Nottingham over the past five years, forcing more than keep reading
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