Addressing the elephant in the room: Navigating unspoken challenges

Man trying not to draw attention to the elephant in the room

Despite efforts to create psychologically safe workplaces, many teams grapple with undiscussables—topics deemed too sensitive or challenging to address openly. These elephants in the room can strain relationships, stifle productivity, and hinder problem-solving. Here’s how to identify and tackle undiscussables head-on

CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Harvard Business Review

Undiscussables often manifest as quick consensus, lack of debate, or uneven participation in meetings. Employees may refrain from voicing concerns due to fear of repercussions or uncertainty about how to raise the issue. As a leader, it’s crucial to acknowledge the existence of undiscussables and create a culture where open dialogue is encouraged.

Overcoming fear and resistance

Addressing undiscussables requires courage and vulnerability. Leaders must confront their fears of opening a Pandora’s box or facing blame for existing issues. By reframing challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement, leaders can create a safe space for team members to speak up without fear of retribution.

Fostering open communication

Transparency and honesty are essential for addressing undiscussables effectively. Leaders should communicate their intentions clearly and acknowledge the reality that not all issues can be immediately resolved. By actively listening to team members’ concerns and showing appreciation for their input, leaders can build trust and encourage candid conversations.

Empowering team dialogue

Regular one-on-one meetings and team check-ins provide opportunities for team members to voice their concerns. Leaders should create a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their observations and experiences. By asking direct questions and actively soliciting feedback, leaders can uncover hidden challenges and address them proactively.

Promoting collective reflection

Team meetings should not only focus on tasks but also on team dynamics and communication. Leaders can initiate discussions about undiscussables by naming the elephant in the room and inviting team members to share their perspectives. By fostering a culture of openness and collaboration, leaders can address underlying issues and drive positive change within the team.

Surfacing undiscussables may be uncomfortable, but it is essential for fostering trust, collaboration, and innovation within teams. By acknowledging and addressing hidden challenges, leaders can create a more inclusive and supportive work environment where every voice is heard and valued.

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