Prepare for maternity leave with the BMA’s checklist of what you need to do and who you need to contact at work, outside work, and after your baby arrives
At work – I have:
- checked my employer’s maternity leave policy;
- ensured I am working for the NHS during the period when maternity pay is calculated;
- worked out my maternity pay;
- checked the terms of any childcare vouchers I am using in case they impact on my maternity pay;
- told my employer when I plan to start my maternity leave (within the proper time limits);
- sent in Form Mat B1 (before the end of the 15th week of my due date);
- set up my antenatal care, and notified employer of time off required;
- seen my Occupational Health advisor at work;
- made sure my employer has given me details of my maternity entitlement, in writing, before I start maternity leave (very important if I am changing employer);
- checked my and my partners’ entitlement to shared parental leave (SPL) and pay and ensured that both our employers are notified of our intention to take SPL if we wish to take it;
- before commencing maternity leave discuss keeping in touch days with employer and agree arrangements for them.
Outside work – I have:
- applied to the GMC for a fee reduction;
- contacted my defence body about my subs as special beneficial arrangements may apply;
- ensured my partner has applied for paternity leave;
- discussed SPL entitlements with partner and how we might wish to share some leave;
- told the BMA I am on maternity leave;
- contacted BMA membership as I can get a concessionary rate while on maternity leave;
- checked when maternity leave can start.
Before returning to work I have:
- given at adequate notice of return-to-work date if taking less than a year’s maternity leave;
- ensured that any requested flexible work arrangements, or applications to train, less than full time are confirmed in good time so childcare can be set up;
- liaised with my employer to set up a risk assessment before I return to work, including notifying them if I am still breastfeeding;
- discussed my return to work and return to practice support.
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