GPs deserve greater safety netting support
New research highlights the need for improved GP safety netting systems to help support GPs to effectively monitor patients with common, non-specific symptoms To support GPs keep reading
New research highlights the need for improved GP safety netting systems to help support GPs to effectively monitor patients with common, non-specific symptoms To support GPs keep reading
GP practices are under more pressure than ever. Their workload has grown as they have seen a 13% increase in appointments over the past five keep reading
New mums in Coventry and Warwickshire will benefit from national funding thanks to a successful bid to NHS England A £300,000-plus award will support specialist keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in The Courier Hundreds of people signed a petition at the weekend protesting about the closure of the out-of-hours keep reading
CREDIT: This story was first seen in The Sun Practice manager Patricia Mayo, who was on £40,000 a year, pushed the clinic in Hartcliffe, Bristol, keep reading
Capsticks’ solicitor Daniel Kirk considers GP partnership disputes following a recent Court of Appeal case A GP partnership is a formal business arrangement and the keep reading
RCGP puts social prescribing forward as a means of tackling the ‘crippling’ GP workload Every GP surgery should be funded to have access to a keep reading
What are the merits of digital dictation in a surgery setting? What do the best devices offer busy practice managers and what kind of time keep reading
MPS and NICE revise cauda equina syndrome establishing the red flag symptoms – changes which should help GPs and other healthcare professionals make more effective referrals in keep reading
One Health Lewisham adopts clinical decision support technology to improve patient experience and relieve pressure on 38 GP surgeries in Lewisham One Health Lewisham, a keep reading
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