RCGP chief warns that women are putting their health at risk to source HRT
As reported by the Guardian, Prof Martin Marshall of the Royal College of GPs (RCGPs) has spoken of the mental and physical dangers of sourcing keep reading
As reported by the Guardian, Prof Martin Marshall of the Royal College of GPs (RCGPs) has spoken of the mental and physical dangers of sourcing keep reading
The Royal College of General Practitioners has spoken out against government proposals to ban so-called conversion therapy on the basis of sexual orientation but not gender keep reading
Plans to ‘ramp up’ in-person consultations are no solution to the deeper problems in our practices, argues GP Ellen Welch CREDIT: This is an edited keep reading
Many patients with ‘long’ COVID are experiencing extreme fatigue, a situation that has re-polarised approaches to treatment and rehabilitation. Melanie Newman reports This is an edited version keep reading
Many patients with ‘long’ COVID are experiencing extreme fatigue, a situation that has re-polarised approaches to treatment and rehabilitation. Melanie Newman reports This is an edited version keep reading
Break free of the boredom of meetings by getting out on a walking meeting. Now being prescribed by Public Health England (PHE) as a potential keep reading
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