Practice Business is winding down for summer – but we’re still here!
The summer is finally upon us; despite the last year being a relentless rollercoaster of challenges, I hope you are all proud of how you keep reading
The summer is finally upon us; despite the last year being a relentless rollercoaster of challenges, I hope you are all proud of how you keep reading
As reported by BBC news, sugar and salt should be taxed and vegetables prescribed by the NHS, an independent review of food policy in England keep reading
As reported by BBC news, a campaigner who led calls for better pain relief during coil fitting is delighted doctors and nurses have now been keep reading
The Royal College of GPs has commented ahead of current plans to ease COVID-19 restrictions on 19 July Professor Martin Marshall, chair of the Royal keep reading
As reported by BBC news, scientists say they have detected irregularities in the blood of long COVID patients that could one day pave the way keep reading
As reported by BBC news, some types of oral contraceptive pill can now be sold over the counter at pharmacies without a prescription, the UK’s keep reading
Emma Wilkinson looks at some local initiatives to tackle poorer vaccine uptake among under-served groups This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared keep reading
Valerie Amie and Giles Kingsley-Pallant, PCC associates, describe how to use the BECKS model to deal with the dynamics of your team Environment or ‘what keep reading
GP contractors are eligible for rental reimbursements – but the type of reimbursement depends on who owns the building The BMA splits rental reimbursements into keep reading
How to achieve success in a new leadership position This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Management Today Ever since keep reading
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