Wellbeing in 2024: Navigating the trends
As we embark on another year, the importance of prioritising workplace wellbeing continues to resonate profoundly. In the wake of the ‘Great Resignation’ and amidst keep reading
As we embark on another year, the importance of prioritising workplace wellbeing continues to resonate profoundly. In the wake of the ‘Great Resignation’ and amidst keep reading
As reported by NHS England, a successful retention initiative, offering flexible hours, menopause support, and HR advocates, has reduced NHS staff departures by 14,000 in the keep reading
Knowing what to include in your PCN manager or administrator’s induction plan is vital – Tara Humphrey gives her guidance CREDIT: This is an edited keep reading
An excellent occupational health service can help the NHS become more productive, reduce sickness absence and save money CREDIT: This is an edited version of keep reading
Managing short-term absence is essential for GP practices and must be handled with care – James Nolan shares case studies and guidance for your practice keep reading
Research shows that recruiters are positive about applicants reaching out to them after the interview process CREDIT: This is an edited version of an article keep reading
Speaking up about wrongdoing or incompetence can be scary – but you’ll regret it if you don’t says Jim Detert, business school professor This is keep reading
How to achieve success in a new leadership position This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on Management Today Ever since keep reading
How to spot when you’ve hired the wrong person – and what to do about it This is an edited version of an article that keep reading
Rita Symons discusses the importance of addressing racial inequalities in primary care It seems like the world has shifted on its axis in 2020. One keep reading
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