What to include in a GP partnership agreement
What does a GP partnership agreement need to cover – and what are the dangers of not having one? A partnership agreement recognises the requirements, responsibilities keep reading
What does a GP partnership agreement need to cover – and what are the dangers of not having one? A partnership agreement recognises the requirements, responsibilities keep reading
Helen Ellis – PCC lead for facilitation and the personal and team development programme – has an exciting announcement about help in implementing the community keep reading
As a tenant, it’s important to be aware of what costs can be recovered by the landlord through service and property management charges, what the keep reading
GP contractors are eligible for rental reimbursements – but the type of reimbursement depends on who owns the building The BMA splits rental reimbursements into keep reading
Complex legal documents can test your time and focus, and leases are no exception. Here, we have compiled a quick guide to help you understand keep reading
Maybe you’re unhappy about your practice space, layout and scope for offering the high quality service you come to work every day to deliver. Well, keep reading
Demolition work has started ahead of the construction of a new £3 million GP surgery project near Chorley This is an edited version of an keep reading
Practice Business summarises the, often-mysterious, concept of notional rent, whilst also exploring the benefits of attending notional rent training to bolster the financial confidence of keep reading
A GP surgery near Bridgnorth is under threat because substitute doctors are refusing to travel along a road littered with potholes to get there This keep reading
Dull, uninspiring workplaces often make employees feel sluggish, but the negative effects of an ugly practice can be amplified in unwell and unsettled patients attending keep reading
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