COVID raises risk of depression and dementia
As reported by BBC news, people diagnosed with COVID in the previous six months were more likely to develop depression, dementia, psychosis and stroke, researchers keep reading
As reported by BBC news, people diagnosed with COVID in the previous six months were more likely to develop depression, dementia, psychosis and stroke, researchers keep reading
An effort to use voice-assistant devices – such as Amazon’s Alexa – to detect signs of memory problems has received a boost with a grant keep reading
850,000 people in the UK currently live with dementia – and this figure is set to rise to one million by 2021. These patients are keep reading
Crucial early diagnosis of dementia in general practice could improve due to a computer model designed by Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) and astrophysicists keep reading
As reported by North Wales Live, new research shows that even people with a high risk of developing dementia could be saved by a healthy keep reading
New statistics show that dementia cases are on the rise, putting additional strain on the NHS The NHS has warned that rising dementia cases are keep reading
A new study published in BMJ Open suggests that weight loss and gain could worsen the risk of dementia in older people Older people who keep reading
Living with dementia can be challenging enough, but what’s it like if you also have a diagnosis of cancer too? We speak to Admiral Nurse keep reading
A quarter of so-called ‘sandwich carers’ – those who care for both sick, disabled or older relatives and dependent children – will experience symptoms of keep reading
CREDIT: This story was originally seen on Express New research shows that AI may have the potential to diagnose dementia up to a decade earlier keep reading
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