Where to tune in to some primary care podcasts
A practice manager is always on the go – but for those moments when you do get some time to pop in some headphones Practice keep reading
A practice manager is always on the go – but for those moments when you do get some time to pop in some headphones Practice keep reading
As reported by The Independent, from October every GP surgery across England will be required to make changes and increase its availability As of October keep reading
Following the announcement that NHS Digital and NHSX are to merge with NHS England and Improvement, Digital Health’s editor-in-chief, Jon Hoeksma, explores what the consequences keep reading
The BMA give some simple tips on how to make your practice more accessible for your patients while ensuring you are compliant with the standard keep reading
Steve Maleham and Helen Simmonds of PCC discuss the latest toolkit for primary care networks During mid-November 2021 we saw the launch of the latest keep reading
Providing additional, enhanced and out-of-hours services may generate super profits for a practice to earn – the fees from such work substantially exceed the cost keep reading
William Greenwood, LMC chief executive, lead governor for a specialist FT hospital and chair of a local patient participation group, discusses the importance of your keep reading
A new year is a time for a fresh start and, despite the many challenges 2022 will bring (and is already bringing), it’s always good keep reading
Act quickly and collectively to transform global systems for preparedness and response This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on The keep reading
William Greenwood, LMC chief executive, lead governor for a specialist FT hospital and chair of a local patient participation group, discusses how legislation and ICSs keep reading
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