Mental health volunteer set to cycle 145 miles for charity
As reported by BBC News, Darren Atwood will cycle from London to Melton Mowbray on August 24th The 36-year-old, from Melton, began volunteering at ‘Unlock keep reading
As reported by BBC News, Darren Atwood will cycle from London to Melton Mowbray on August 24th The 36-year-old, from Melton, began volunteering at ‘Unlock keep reading
As reported by BBC News, COVID infections are reported to have peaked and are now on the way down in According to figures by the Office keep reading
As reported by BBC News, home drinking habits set during the pandemic are predicted to increase the number of alcohol-related deaths and illnesses in England keep reading
As reported by the BBC News, The number of GP practices in Northern Ireland has fallen by approximately 9% over the past eight years according keep reading
As reported by the BBC News, a GP in Belfast has spoken out against the living conditions of asylum seekers Dr Kieran Kelly believes specialist health keep reading
Responding to research from the Nuffield Trust, covered by the BBC today, on regional variation in GP-patient ratios, Professor Martin Marshall, chair of the RCGP, keep reading
As reported by the BBC News, Oakham Medical Practice in Rutland, Leicestershire has closed its front desk after staff members were subjected to “excessive abuse” keep reading
As reported by the BBC News, The Village Surgery in South Normanton has received criticism from the government health watchdog Following an inspection earlier this keep reading
As reported by the BBC News, the government in England has announced that NHS prescription charges will be frozen for the first time in 12 keep reading
As reported by the BBC News, Scotland has been urged to follow England and Wales in continuing to offer at-home abortions If approved in a keep reading
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