As reported by BBC News, home drinking habits set during the pandemic are predicted to increase the number of alcohol-related deaths and illnesses in England
New research, commissioned for the NHS, suggests there could be at least 1,830 extra deaths within the next twenty years. In the worst case, that number could reach 25,000, as well as a million extra hospital admissions.
The separate studies were carried out by the Institute of Alcohol Studies and the University of Sheffield. Both predict this is also likely to cost the NHS billions.
Surveys suggest that in fact on average, light and moderate drinkers decreased their consumption. However heavy drinkers drank more.
Leader of the University of Sheffield study, Colin Angus, said: “These figures highlight that the pandemic’s impact on our drinking behaviour is likely to cast a long shadow on our health, and paint a worrying picture at a time when NHS services are already under huge pressure due to treatment backlogs.”
Nicola Bates from the Portman Group, the alcohol social responsibility body and marketing regulator, commented: “Total alcohol consumption has gone down consistently over the past 10 years, and Britons now drink around 15% less alcohol than they did 10 years ago.
“However, there is a small minority who were already drinking at high harm levels when the lockdowns began, and evidence suggests some went on to drink more. The models presented in this research are stark, but they presume no interventions are made.
“This small minority of drinkers are the ones who need the most support with targeted action and a focused policy response.”
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