According to NHS Providers, trusts across the country have managed to save £288m in the last financial year just on everyday healthcare essentials
Big savings have been made across the NHS by implementing small changes, according to NHS Providers – but further support is needed.
New data shows that NHS trusts across England have saved £288m in the last financial year by making better deals on everyday essentials, such as surgical gloves and syringes.
This was due to trusts being able to compare and negotiate deals, with some working together to buy in bulk.
Many savings were made by using the NHS Improvement price comparison tool, which ensures trusts have the option to spend less.
While this is good progress, the long-term plan presents a good opportunity to ensure that efficiencies are fully utilised across the country.
The head of policy at NHS Providers, Amber Jabbal, said:
“This data demonstrates how hard trusts are working to deliver savings wherever possible and the impressive progress already made. The money saved on everyday items used by the NHS represents real savings which can be reinvested back into patient care.
“Trusts know that there are more savings which can be made through contracts and everyday products, but these one-off savings are likely to make up a small proportion of the £3.6bn expected of the sector this year.
“Our recent report – Making the most of the money: Efficiency and the long-term plan – found that trusts believe better system working, integrating services and addressing workforce challenges offer the greatest long-term opportunities to deliver greater efficiency – and we must be realistic about the time, investment and support the system needs to realise these savings.”
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