The NHS has released its Oversight Framework, which has been welcomed by NHS Providers
Last week, the latest NHS Oversight Framework documents were released by NHS England.
The documents outline the joint approach which NHS England and NHS Improvement plan to take in order to oversee organisational performance across the health service.
The Oversight Framework will also serve to identify where commissioners and providers may need additional support.
Responding to this publication, the director of policy and strategy at NHS Providers, Miriam Deakin said:
“We welcome the publication of the new NHS Oversight Framework and the steps NHS England and NHS Improvement are taking to bring together their approaches to reflect the move to system working and priorities in the long term plan.
“Trusts are already working with commissioners and partners in local systems, and have been concerned that the regulatory framework is not keeping pace with developments on the ground.
“This framework should help to support collaboration and ensure there are consistent messages and approaches from the national bodies.
“However, much will depend on ways of working and the development of positive relationships, particularly between frontline organisations, system leaders and NHSE/I’s new regional teams.
“It is important that the framework continues to recognise the statutory responsibilities and accountabilities of trust boards and that sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs) and integrated care systems (ICSs) derive their authority from the individual organisations that comprise them.
“It will be vital that the next phase of work to further develop the framework for 2020/21 is done with the full involvement of providers and commissioners.”
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