As reported by the Ipswich Star, plans to create super surgeries across Ipswich are to be carefully watched over by a newly-created task force
The impact of new ‘super surgeries’ in Ipswich is set to be assessed by a newly-formed task force.
Five GP hubs are being formed across the city, created by a local CCG and Ipswich Borough Council.
Health bosses claim that the hubs will reduce costs, improve communication and offer more services that would prevent people going to hospital.
Ipswich Borough Council’s scrutiny committee has now formed a task group to monitor the planned changes as they progress.
Borough councillor, Sheila Handley, said: “At the moment, provision across the town is quite varied – some have little GPs, some have a health centre.
“We discovered there are already proposals put forward by the CCG for Ipswich for five hubs across the town.
The task group will speak with healthcare professionals to gather evidence, then return to the committee for a full debate on the plans.
It is not yet clear where the hubs will be.
A CCG spokesperson said:
“Ipswich Borough Council is an important partner and is working with the CCG and Suffolk Primary Care on the development of the Took’s Bakery site in north Ipswich.
“Although still in development, the plans would see the Deben Road and Chesterfield Drive surgeries, together with a pharmacy, come under one roof, with the potential to deliver real improvements to local residents’ health and wellbeing.
“The plans will be considered at the CCG’s Governing Body meeting in November.”
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