With GP complaints up after the pandemic how can practices approach complaints positively, as an opportunity for growth?
According to data from NHS Digital complaints against GPs are up by 37% following COVID-19. Dealing with complaints can be a stressful and upsetting experience but handling them with a positive mindset can provide practices with a quicker and simpler complaint handling service focused on early resolution and establishing best practice for the future.
Create opportunities for growth in your practice by following these following suggestions.
Welcome complaints in a positive wayÂ
Complaints are an important insight into how to improve your GP services. Making it easy for people to make complaints gives staff the freedom to resolve issues quickly, and to the satisfaction of both staff and patients.
Be thorough and fair
Ensuring you are thorough and fair when you investigate complaints makes sure an open and honest answer is reached. It allows both those making the complaint, and the staff involved in the issues, to have their say and ensured they are kept updated when carrying out their work.
Give fair and accountable responses
Responses must recognise the experience of all parties concerned to ensure a culture of learning and accountability. Your GP complaints system must make sure staff have the confidence and freedom to offer remedies to put things right when needed; make sure any learning is identified, and acted on, to improve GP services for the future.
Promote a just and learning culture
Supporting your organisation to see complaints as an opportunity to develop and improve services sets clear expectations and encourages a non-defensive approach to learning from complaints. Your practice should regularly communicate to managers, leaders and patients what has been learned from complaints and how this learning has improved services.Â
Be sure to provide staff with support and regular training to deliver best practice in handling complaints positively.Â
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